Click on the image above to see Barry creating a Mind Mirror
Click on the image above to see Barry creating a Mind Mirror
Welcome to
Barry Hoon
Chopping boards
Tea light lanterns
Puzzle boxes
Jewellery boxes
In former life (1981 - 2023) I was a computer programmer and over the years I developed a huge amount of, software programmes, websites, apps and a series of online oracles. If you click this link you’ll be able to try them.These days I’ve retired from programming and have returned to my first love of wood working. I was a carpenter once, a long , long, time ago and to be honest I wish I hadn’t given it up. After 40+ years of computer work I have very little to show for it. So now I’m making up for it by producing high quality handmade chopping boards, laser cut lanterns, puzzle boxes and mahogany jewellery boxes that are made to last. Click on the images below to check out my work.
Welcome to
Barry Hoon
In former life (1981 - 2023) I was a computer programmer and over the years I developed a huge amount of, software programmes, websites, apps and a series of online oracles. If you click this link you’ll be able to try them.These days I’ve retired from programming and have returned to my first love of wood working. I was a carpenter once, a long , long, time ago and to be honest I wish I hadn’t given it up. After 40+ years of computer work I have very little to show for it.So now I’m making up for it by producing handmade chopping boards, laser cut lanterns, puzzle boxes and high quality mahogany jewellery boxes that are made to last. Click on the images below to check out my work.
Chopping boards
Tea light lanterns
Puzzle boxes
Jewellery boxes
Barry Hoon
Welcome to
In former life (1981 - 2023) I was a computer programmer and over the years I developed a huge amount of, software programmes, websites, apps and a series of online oracles. If you click this link you’ll be able to try them.These days I’ve retired from programming and have returned to my first love of wood working. I was a carpenter once, a long , long, time ago and to be honest I wish I hadn’t given it up. After 40+ years of computer work I have very little to show for it. So now I’m making up for it by producing high quality handmade chopping boards, laser cut lanterns, puzzle boxes and mahogany jewellery boxes that are made to last. Click on the images below to check out my work.
Click on the image above to see Barry creating a Mind Mirror
•Quantum Mind Mirrors•Events/Talks•Interactive Programming•Commercial Web Sites
Barry Hoon
Thank you for dropping by... Maybe you were just aimlessly stumbling around the internet and came across me ... Either way, it was meant to be and I trust that you’ll leave here with something new and interesting to talk about? UNIVERSE, or spirit, or ‘whatever’ rocks your boat has lead you this way for a reason - So please send out to your interesting & weird mates for their thoughts and feedback... 15 years ago, I created the Vertical Oracle on-line app for Antero Ali. It’s still running today and widely respected. It’s used daily by hundreds of people world wide. You can have a free reading by clicking here?.The Vertical Oracle is not like other tarot decks, it’s a timeless and amazingly accurate tool to help you navigate the strange times we live in. I recommend you ‘check in’ and have a reading every couple of days.Below here is a live oracle working in real time, Think about it? Spontaneously chosen cards.... by hundreds of unconnected individuals from all over the world go into creating the insight below. It’s fluid and alive ...It’s always changing and always up to date! ... Bookmark this page now!It is a constantly updated ‘reset point’ for your UNIVERSE (’the All’), That’s if you simply take the trouble to notice its’ advice. I follow 2 or 3 cards, - it varies depending on what’s happening in my world, and what interests me at any given time. I just watch what the cards are doing and I act accordingly. Try it for a week or two, and you’ll be forever lost without it! - It’s that good!
Welcome to my
Thank you for dropping by... Maybe you were just aimlessly stumbling around the internet and came across me ... Either way, it was meant to be and I trust that you’ll leave here with something new and interesting to talk about? UNIVERSE, or spirit, or ‘whatever’ rocks your boat has lead you this way for a reason - So please send out to your interesting & weird mates for their thoughts and feedback... 15 years ago, I created the Vertical Oracle on-line app for Antero Ali. It’s still running today and widely respected. It’s used daily by hundreds of people world wide. You can have a free reading by clicking here?.The Vertical Oracle is not like other tarot decks, it’s a timeless and amazingly accurate tool to help you navigate the strange times we live in. I recommend you ‘check in’ and have a reading every couple of days.Below here is a live oracle working in real time, Think about it? Spontaneously chosen cards.... by hundreds of unconnected individuals from all over the world go into creating the insight below. It’s fluid and alive ... It’s always changing and always up to date! ... Bookmark this page now!It is a constantly updated ‘reset point’ for your UNIVERSE (’the All’), That’s if you simply take the trouble to notice its’ advice. I follow 2 or 3 cards, - it varies depending on what’s happening in my world, and what interests me at any given time.I just watch what the cards are doing and I act accordingly. Try it for a week or two, and you’ll be forever lost without it! - It’s that good!
Welcome to:
Click on the image above to see Barry creating a Mind Mirror
•Quantum Mind Mirrors•Events/Talks•Interactive Programming•Commercial Web Sites
Barry Hoon
Thank you for dropping by... Maybe you were just aimlessly stumbling around the internet and came across me ... Either way, it was meant to be and I trust that you’ll leave here with something new and interesting to talk about? UNIVERSE, or spirit, or ‘whatever’ rocks your boat has lead you this way for a reason - So please send out to your interesting & weird mates for their thoughts and feedback... 15 years ago, I created the Vertical Oracle on-line app for Antero Ali. It’s still running today and widely respected. It’s used daily by hundreds of people world wide. You can have a free reading by clicking here?.The Vertical Oracle is not like other tarot decks, it’s a timeless and amazingly accurate tool to help you navigate the strange times we live in. I recommend you ‘check in’ and have a reading every couple of days.Below here is a live oracle working in real time, Think about it? Spontaneously chosen cards.... by hundreds of unconnected individuals from all over the world go into creating the insight below.It’s fluid and alive ... It’s always changing and always up to date! ... Bookmark this page now!It is a constantly updated ‘reset point’ for your UNIVERSE (’the All’), That’s if you simply take the trouble to notice its’ advice. I follow 2 or 3 cards, - it varies depending on what’s happening in my world, and what interests me at any given time.I just watch what the cards are doing and I act accordingly. Try it for a week or two, and you’ll be forever lost without it! - It’s that good!
What is a Mind Mirror?A Mind Mirror is more of a inner journey than a reading.It's a unique, hand drawn tool to assist you inyour personal and spiritual development.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
GetafreeMindMirror reading...CompositeMind Mirrorsarecreatedwhenyou getaMindMirrororacle clickontheimagebelowto have a free reading now.
I have a lot of experience in web development creating my first web sites for the community of Glastonbury, way back in 1996.My last position was in the intranet support team for npower in Worcester. I was there two and a half years and completed nine rolling 3 months contracts back to back. I was well liked and good at my job,..... I have learned five computer languages in all the years I have worked in IT but CGI Perl is my favourite. Six years ago I single handedly created an in-house system called iChain from the ground up for an American company that supplied parts for Caterpillar. iChain included: 805 Releases, Parts Manager, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Personnel HR db, I have also created the perl scripting engine from scratch that supports the website by Liz Caine. It contains 6 dynamic lists plus a management back office system written in Perl which has been running for the last three years maintenance free. I have also created many interactive divination apps in Perl that are still in use today after 15 years (maintenance free!)
Email Barry for more information on how to make your web site more interactive.
Email Barry for more information on how to make your web site more interactive.
Web Sites &
I have a lot of experience in web development creating my first web sites for the community of Glastonbury, way back in 1996.My last position was in the intranet support team for npower in Worcester. I was there two and a half years and completed nine rolling 3 months contracts back to back. I was well liked and good at my job,..... I have learned five computer languages in all the years I have worked in IT but CGI Perl is my favourite. Six years ago I single handedly created an in-house system called iChain from the ground up for an American company that supplied parts for Caterpillar. iChain included: 805 Releases, Parts Manager, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Personnel HR db, I have also created the perl scripting engine from scratch that supports the website by Liz Caine. It contains 6 dynamic lists plus a management back office system written in Perl which has been running for the last three years maintenance free. I have also created many interactive divination apps in Perl that are still in use today after 15 years (maintenance free!)
The best way to make contact is by email. I check my in-box throughout the day so I’ll get back to you fairly soon.
Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there!The picture above is of unconnected fluorescent tubes standing in a field under electricity pylons near Bristol.
Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there!The picture above is of unconnected fluorescent tubes standing in a field under electricity pylons near Bristol.
Privacy Policy – July 2018ThisPrivacyPolicydescribeshowandwhenIcollect,use,andshareinformationwhenyou purchaseaproductfromme,contactme,orotherwiseusemyservicesthroughmywebsite,anddoesnotapplyto the practices of third parties that I do not own or control, including any third party services. Information I Collect:Tofulfilyourorder,youmustprovidemewithcertaininformation,suchasyourname,email address, and the details of the product that you’re ordering.,Google Analytics,tocollect standardinternetloginformationanddetailsofvisitorbehaviourpatterns.Idothistofindout thingssuchasthenumberofvisitorstothevariouspartsofthesite.Thisinformationisonly processedinawaywhichdoesnotidentifyanyone.Idonotmake,anddonotallowGoogleto make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.Why I Need Your Information and How I Use It:Irelyonanumberoflegalbasestocollectanduseyourinformationtoprovidemyservices, suchaswhenIuseyourinformationtofulfilyourorder,tosettledisputes,ortoprovide customer support.Whenyouhaveprovidedyouraffirmativeconsent,whichyoumayrevokeatanytime,suchas bysigningupforamailinglistImayimplement; ifnecessarytocomplywithalegalobligation orcourtorderorinconnectionwithalegalclaim,suchasretaininginformationaboutyour purchasesifrequiredbytaxlaw;and asnecessaryforthepurposeofmylegitimateinterests,if those legitimate interests are not overridden by your rights or interests.Information Sharing and Disclosure:Informationaboutmycustomersisimportanttomybusiness.IdoNOTshareyourpersonal information.CompliancewithLaws-Imaycollect,use,retain,andshareyourinformationifIhavea goodfaithbeliefthatitisreasonablynecessaryto:(a)respondtolegalprocessorto governmentrequests;(b)enforcemyagreements,termsandpolicies;(c)prevent,investigate, andaddressfraudandotherillegalactivity,security,ortechnicalissues;or(d)protectthe rights, property, and safety of my customers, or others. Data Retention:Iretainyourpersonalinformationonlyforaslongasnecessarytoprovideyouwithmy servicesandasdescribedinmyPrivacyPolicy.However,Imayalsoberequiredtoretainthis informationtocomplywithmylegalandregulatoryobligations,suchasUK TaxLaw,toresolve disputes,ortoenforcemyagreements.Imaythereforeneedtokeepyourdataforaperiodof: 6 years.Your Rights:Ifyouresideincertainterritories,includingtheEU,youhaveanumberofrightsinrelationto yourpersonalinformation.Whilesomeoftheserightsapplygenerally,certainrightsapplyonly in certain limited cases. I describe these rights below:Access.YoumayhavetherighttoaccessandreceiveacopyofthepersonalinformationI hold about you by contacting me using the contact information below. Change,restrict,delete.Youmayalsohaverightstochange,restrictmyuseof,ordeleteyour personalinformation. Absentexceptionalcircumstances(likewhereIamrequiredtostoredata for legal reasons) I will generally delete your personal information upon request. Object.Youcanobjectto(i)myprocessingofsomeofyourinformationbasedonmy legitimateinterestsand(ii)receivingmarketingmessagesfrommeafterprovidingyour expressconsenttoreceivethem.Insuchcases,IwilldeleteyourpersonalinformationunlessI havecompellingandlegitimategroundstocontinueusingthatinformationorifitisneededfor legal reasons. Complain.IfyouresideintheEUandwishtoraiseaconcernaboutmyuseofyourinformation (andwithoutprejudicetoanyotherrightsyoumayhave),youhavetherighttodosowithyour local data protection authority.How to Contact Me:ForpurposesofEUdataprotectionlaw,I,BarryHoon,amthedatacontrollerofyourpersonal information.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcerns,youmaycontactmeat,youmaymailmeat:BarryHoon.28TheFirs,OldRoad North, Kempsey, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
“Your privacy is very important to me”
Privacy Policy – July 2018ThisPrivacyPolicydescribeshowandwhenIcollect,use,andshare informationwhenyoupurchaseaproductfromme,contactme,orotherwise use my services through my website,and doesnotapplytothepracticesofthirdpartiesthatIdonotownorcontrol, including any third party services. Information I Collect:Tofulfilyourorder,youmustprovidemewithcertaininformation,suchas your name, email address, and the details of the product that you’re ordering.,Google Analytics,tocollectstandardinternetloginformationanddetailsofvisitor behaviourpatterns.Idothistofindoutthingssuchasthenumberofvisitors tothevariouspartsofthesite.Thisinformationisonlyprocessedinaway whichdoesnotidentifyanyone.Idonotmake,anddonotallowGoogleto make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.Why I Need Your Information and How I Use It:Irelyonanumberoflegalbasestocollectanduseyourinformationto providemyservices,suchaswhenIuseyourinformationtofulfilyourorder, to settle disputes, or to provide customer support.Whenyouhaveprovidedyouraffirmativeconsent,whichyoumayrevokeat anytime,suchasbysigningupforamailinglistImayimplement; if necessarytocomplywithalegalobligationorcourtorderorinconnection withalegalclaim,suchasretaininginformationaboutyourpurchasesif requiredbytaxlaw;and asnecessaryforthepurposeofmylegitimate interests,ifthoselegitimateinterestsarenotoverriddenbyyourrightsor interests.Information Sharing and Disclosure:Informationaboutmycustomersisimportanttomybusiness.IdoNOTshare your personal information.CompliancewithLaws-Imaycollect,use,retain,andshareyour informationifIhaveagoodfaithbeliefthatitisreasonablynecessaryto:(a) respondtolegalprocessortogovernmentrequests;(b)enforcemy agreements,termsandpolicies;(c)prevent,investigate,andaddressfraud andotherillegalactivity,security,ortechnicalissues;or(d)protecttherights, property, and safety of my customers, or others. Data Retention:Iretainyourpersonalinformationonlyforaslongasnecessarytoprovideyou withmyservicesandasdescribedinmyPrivacyPolicy.However,Imayalso berequiredtoretainthisinformationtocomplywithmylegalandregulatory obligations,suchasUKTaxLaw,toresolvedisputes,ortoenforcemy agreements. I may therefore need to keep your data for a period of: 6 years.Your Rights:Ifyouresideincertainterritories,includingtheEU,youhaveanumberof rightsinrelationtoyourpersonalinformation.Whilesomeoftheserights applygenerally,certainrightsapplyonlyincertainlimitedcases.Idescribe these rights below:Access.Youmayhavetherighttoaccessandreceiveacopyofthepersonal informationIholdaboutyoubycontactingmeusingthecontactinformation below. Change,restrict,delete.Youmayalsohaverightstochange,restrictmyuse of,ordeleteyourpersonalinformation.Absentexceptionalcircumstances (likewhereIamrequiredtostoredataforlegalreasons)Iwillgenerallydelete your personal information upon request. Object.Youcanobjectto(i)myprocessingofsomeofyourinformation basedonmylegitimateinterestsand(ii)receivingmarketingmessagesfrom meafterprovidingyourexpressconsenttoreceivethem.Insuchcases,Iwill deleteyourpersonalinformationunlessIhavecompellingandlegitimate grounds to continue using that information or if it is needed for legal reasons. Complain.IfyouresideintheEUandwishtoraiseaconcernaboutmyuse ofyourinformation(andwithoutprejudicetoanyotherrightsyoumayhave), you have the right to do so with your local data protection authority.How to Contact Me:ForpurposesofEUdataprotectionlaw,I,BarryHoon,amthedatacontroller ofyourpersonalinformation.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcerns,youmay,youmaymailmeat:Barry Hoon.28TheFirs,OldRoadNorth,Kempsey,Worcestershire,United Kingdom
“Your privacy is very important to me”
Privacy Policy – July 2018ThisPrivacyPolicydescribeshowandwhenIcollect, use,andshareinformationwhenyoupurchaseaproduct fromme,contactme,orotherwiseusemyservices through my website ThisPrivacyPolicyrelatestomywebsite,anddoesnotapplytothe practicesofthirdpartiesthatIdonotownorcontrol, including any third party services. Information I Collect:Tofulfilyourorder,youmustprovidemewithcertain information,suchasyourname,emailaddress,andthe details of the product that you’re ordering. service,GoogleAnalytics,tocollectstandardinternetlog informationanddetailsofvisitorbehaviourpatterns.Ido thistofindoutthingssuchasthenumberofvisitorstothe variouspartsofthesite.Thisinformationisonly processedinawaywhichdoesnotidentifyanyone.Ido notmake,anddonotallowGoogletomake,anyattempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.Why I Need Your Information and How I Use It:Irelyonanumberoflegalbasestocollectanduseyour informationtoprovidemyservices,suchaswhenIuse yourinformationtofulfilyourorder,tosettledisputes,orto provide customer support.Whenyouhaveprovidedyouraffirmativeconsent,which youmayrevokeatanytime,suchasbysigningupfora mailinglistImayimplement; ifnecessarytocomplywitha legalobligationorcourtorderorinconnectionwithalegal claim,suchasretaininginformationaboutyourpurchases ifrequiredbytaxlaw;and asnecessaryforthepurposeof mylegitimateinterests,ifthoselegitimateinterestsarenot overridden by your rights or interests.Information Sharing and Disclosure:Informationaboutmycustomersisimportanttomy business. I do NOT share your personal information.CompliancewithLaws-Imaycollect,use,retain,and shareyourinformationifIhaveagoodfaithbeliefthatitis reasonablynecessaryto:(a)respondtolegalprocessor togovernmentrequests;(b)enforcemyagreements, termsandpolicies;(c)prevent,investigate,andaddress fraudandotherillegalactivity,security,ortechnicalissues; or(d)protecttherights,property,andsafetyofmy customers, or others. Data Retention:Iretainyourpersonalinformationonlyforaslongas necessarytoprovideyouwithmyservicesandas describedinmyPrivacyPolicy.However,Imayalsobe requiredtoretainthisinformationtocomplywithmylegal andregulatoryobligations,suchasUK TaxLaw,toresolve disputes,ortoenforcemyagreements.Imaytherefore need to keep your data for a period of: 6 years.Your Rights:Ifyouresideincertainterritories,includingtheEU,you haveanumberofrightsinrelationtoyourpersonal information.Whilesomeoftheserightsapplygenerally, certainrightsapplyonlyincertainlimitedcases.Idescribe these rights below:Access.Youmayhavetherighttoaccessandreceivea copyofthepersonalinformationIholdaboutyouby contacting me using the contact information below. Change,restrict,delete.Youmayalsohaverightsto change,restrictmyuseof,ordeleteyourpersonal information. Absentexceptionalcircumstances(likewhere Iamrequiredtostoredataforlegalreasons)Iwill generally delete your personal information upon request. Object.Youcanobjectto(i)myprocessingofsomeof yourinformationbasedonmylegitimateinterestsand(ii) receivingmarketingmessagesfrommeafterproviding yourexpressconsenttoreceivethem.Insuchcases,Iwill deleteyourpersonalinformationunlessIhavecompelling andlegitimategroundstocontinueusingthatinformation or if it is needed for legal reasons. Complain.IfyouresideintheEUandwishtoraisea concernaboutmyuseofyourinformation(andwithout prejudicetoanyotherrightsyoumayhave),youhavethe right to do so with your local data protection authority.How to Contact Me:ForpurposesofEUdataprotectionlaw,I,BarryHoon,am thedatacontrollerofyourpersonalinformation.Ifyou haveanyquestionsorconcerns,youmaycontactmeat,youmaymailmeat: BarryHoon.28TheFirs,OldRoadNorth,Kempsey, Worcestershire, United Kingdom